So, I grabbed my You're My . . . Stamp Set; I love this set because it is so versatile! I can already imagine some cute valentine cards with the You're in my Heart phrase!!!

So, I have the set, I have my papers, and I wanted some simple embellishments (no flowers on this card!). I went with a hinge, brads, and some twill.

Definitely a card that will be in the mail soon, but one that I will make a few more of for my "on hand" set!
It's perfect.
cute way to use the hinge. I have one but didn't know what to do with it. Thanks for the idea. Linda Crowder
I have a huge bunch of cards on hand but not many masculin ones either. I'll have to do something about that. Melissa
What a great masculine card. LOVE that hingy thingy and I agree--this set is so versatile...can't wait to get mine! :)
I always have some birthday cards on hand. Those are the ones that seem to catch me by surprise (not really, I guess I just don't pay enough attention to my calendar - they are listed, I just never get them all mailed in time!)... bad me. So I try to have at least 4-5 ready to go.
I have to have some on hand at all times. I keep a box of cards at work for the short notice birthday, get well soon and congrats occassions. It comes in handy and everyone at work knows about the stash, so people from other departments always come knockin to grab one for some occassion or another. I should start charging for them ;)
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